Live Well

Setting Up Your Baby for Success: The First 1,000 Days

Setting Up Your Baby for Success: The First 1,000 Days

One of the scariest days of your life will be the day that you bring your newborn home. Is the car seat installed correctly? Is my house safe? Will I be able to protect my baby? These are all comm...

Prebiotic, Probiotic, We All Biotic! (And Why We Need Them)

Prebiotic, Probiotic, We All Biotic! (And Why We Need Them)

Probiotics for kids? Yes, yes, yes. Children and stomachaches are like peanut butter and jelly, they just go together. But they don’t have to! Probiotics are beneficial to everyone.  So, what are ...

Want to Age Gracefully? Here are 11 Collagen-Rich Sources

Want to Age Gracefully? Here are 11 Collagen-Rich Sources

Collagen accounts for about ⅓ of your total body protein; found in your skin, tendons, cartilage, bones, and so much more. Aging is great and all but it does a number on your collagen production. ...

What Exactly Happens To Your Body When You Sleep?

What Exactly Happens To Your Body When You Sleep?

Sleep does a body good.  According to Dr. Michael Twery, a sleep expert at NIH, “Sleep affects almost every tissue in our bodies. It affects growth and stress hormones, our immune system, appetite...

11 Everyday (Nasty) Items You Should Clean To Boost Your Immune System

11 Everyday (Nasty) Items You Should Clean To Boost Your Immune System

Do you feel like you get sick all of the time? There could be a lot of reasons why: You’re Not Washing Your Hands (or not washing them long enough) You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep You’re Not Drin...

Staying Fresh with Dry Shampoo (For the Busiest of Women)

Staying Fresh with Dry Shampoo (For the Busiest of Women)

How often do you wash your hair?  Experts recommend washing your hair every other day, or even every 2 to 3 days, depending on your hair and lifestyle. That’s all fine and well, except when your h...