
The Best Baby Shower Gifts (Don’t Forget About Mom, Too)

The Best Baby Shower Gifts (Don’t Forget About Mom, Too)

You just got invited to a baby shower and you want to bring the best gift, but you have no idea where to start. Even if you ask the mama-to-be what she wants, she might not even know that answer!

Don’t worry, we gotchu! This is a great list for people shopping for baby shower gifts and/or moms looking to create a registry of ideas. 

Baby on the way? Here’s a little mom tip. Create a registry with every child, if anything this is for your own sanity. 

Babylist is a great registry because you can add items from ANYWHERE to this list (Amazon, Target, Buy Buy Baby, Wal-Mart, Lululemon 😉 ). You can access it on your desktop or through their app, and they have a convenient ‘Add the Babylist Button’ that lets you add products with one easy click. 

Okay, let’s talk baby shower gifts!


You can’t go wrong with everyday items. These are things that the baby needs and things that will make the parent’s life easier.

  1. Diapers. You can never foresee the weight of a new baby. Some will wear preemie diapers while others will jump to Size 1 fast. It’s usually safe to buy a small size of Newborn diapers but if you suspect a larger baby, go with Size 1.
  2. Wipes. Wipes are always a good gift. Especially if you are unsure of whether the baby will be wearing cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers. Also, wipes can be used to wipe up messes, spit-ups, and sticky hands/faces.
  3. Bum Balm. Newborn babies pee up to 20 times in a 24 hour period and that doesn’t even cover when they poop, which is also all the time. So, finding something to protect the baby’s bum is a must.  
  4. Pure Sleep & Breathe Chest Rub. Start good nighttime routines early with this sweet lavender goodness.
  5. Cool Gums Teething Gel. Your baby might not teethe right away but when it starts you will wish you already had this in your fridge prepped and ready to go. And it can also be used as training toothpaste!
  6. Llama Lotion. Baby’s skin is very delicate, finding a good lotion (clean and gentle ingredients) is great for baby massages and after baths. 
  7. Foaming Oil Bath Wash. Pure and gentle formula to get baby nice and clean.
  8. Burp Cloths. Some babies spit up more than others so having these readily available is a life-changer. 
  9. Pacifiers. Having a couple types of pacifiers can help teach baby to soothe on their own. It’s surprising how picky a baby can be when it comes to their binky (so options help).
  10. Bottles. Even if you are planning on breastfeeding it doesn’t hurt to have one or two bottles just in case. You don’t want to have to make a 2 AM run to the store because you’re desperate to try anything to calm your baby.
  11. Formula. Again, if you plan on only breastfeeding, it isn’t a bad idea to buy a small thing of formula in prep for a worst-case scenario. If you never use it, there is always a mom in need of formula!
  12. Swaddles. Oh, how we love swaddles, and babies do too! Help calm the Moro Reflex aka startle reflex with a swaddle. Swaddle blankets, velcro, snaps, zippers, there are all sorts out there and you never know what the baby will love. 
  13. Baby Bath. Whether you choose a foam bath mat or something for the sink, something to hold the baby during bath time helps free up mom’s hands to focus on cleaning.
  14. Fels Naptha Soap. One word: blowout. This stain remover is like magic. 
  15. Baby Detergent. Find a gentle laundry detergent that is safe for baby. 
  16. Dry Rack for Bottles. You’re thinking that you already have a dry rack? You might be shocked at how much baby bottles and pacifiers require cleaning and space on your counter. A designated rack for those items comes in handy.
  17. Sassy Baby Disposable Diaper Bags. Your baby will poop at the worst times and in the worst places, so having these smelly-good bags can help divert an awkward situation at a doctor’s office or friend’s house. Both would prefer not to have a stinky diaper in their trash that they were unaware of.
  18. Playmat. Babies will be on the ground for tummy time, snuggles, and everything else. Having a good playmat gives them a soft place for all of those things.
  19. Carseat Cover. These multi-use covers are incredible. Not only do they block the sun and other particles for your little babe but it can also be used as a nursing cover and makeshift blanket.
  20. Window Shades For the Car. Nothing frustrates a little baby like the sun in their eyes, so this is always a good gift for a happy carpooler.
  21. Mirror in the Car. Since your baby will be rear-facing for a while, having a mirror that straps onto the headrest will allow you to keep an eye on your baby without breaking your neck.
  22. Hand Sanitizer/Hand Soap. This could be one of the most thoughtful gifts as it is all about protection for the little one. The gift that keeps on giving.


These are the gifts we all love shopping for. Cute clothes, fun toys, and nostalgic books.

  1. Baby Clothes. Be sure to keep in mind the due date/season of the baby. You won’t want to buy a cute snowsuit if the baby is due in August! 
  2. Toys. It does take a bit of time before the baby can grasp and play with toys but a good multi-functional toy can help baby and mama. That’s why we love teethers! Some can even be used as a toothbrush as well.
  3. Books. Reading to your baby has tons of benefits and can be started asap.


It can be overwhelming for new parents to remember everything they need to buy for their new baby. Helping to buy nursery items can help them worry about one less thing. It’s always good to find out if the parents have a theme in mind so you can buy accordingly. 

  1. Changing Pad and Cover. There will be lots and lots of diaper changes so a designated place to change the baby is helpful.
  2. Diaper Organizer. A place to store diapers, wipes, and all the lotions and creams will make it easy for mama to keep the space clean (ish).
  3. Crib sheets. I hate to bring up blowouts again but nothing is safe around a new baby ;). Multiple sheets are nice for late-night changes. 
  4. Crib protector. Before you know it, your baby will be standing up and biting the crib rails so get these on when you’re adding finishing touches to the nursery aka before or right after the baby is born.
  5. Sound Machine. Encourage great sleep habits and block out disrupting noises.
  6. Humidifier. Protect your baby against dry air! It’s also great for their skin too.
  7. Decor. Cute pictures, peel and stick wallpaper, whatever you think will add some flare to the room.
  8. Pack-N-Play. These come in handy for traveling or on-the-go parents. Look for one that has the ability to raise up higher (for when the baby is young) or has a bassinet attachment. You can always take them off when the baby gets bigger. 


Moms don’t usually expect gifts for themselves at a baby shower, but boy (*or girl*) is it a good surprise! Mama will be tired and recovering herself, so she deserves a little pampering. 

  1. Robes, Slippers, Comfy PJs. Need I say more?
  2. Nursing Pads. Prevent a wardrobe malfunction for the new mama.
  3. Nursing Bra. Help nursing be a little bit easier.
  4. Nipple Cream. Finding something that is safe for mom and baby and provides some much-needed relief for nursing mamas.
  5. Depends. This might sound weird but mom is still healing when she gets home from the hospital and might run out of those fancy mesh underwear. So, Depends might not be fancy but they sure come in handy. 
  6. DoorDash/UberEats/GrubHub Gift Card. Want to help feed the new family but don’t want to cook? Give them a food-delivery gift card so they can buy their favorite food to be delivered.
  7. iTunes/Audible Gift Card. Ummm, the new fam might be listening to more music/audiobooks, watching more movies, and just lounging around a bit more. A nice gift card to one of these places can keep them entertained.
  8. Skincare Products. Help mom pamper herself AND take care of her skin.
  9. Nursing Clothes/New Mom Clothes. Whether mom is nursing or not she might prefer looser clothes and anything with pockets! She has one less arm to carry things now.
  10. Yoga Mat. You know, for meditation, exercising, or an accidental nap.
  11. Nursing Pillow/Baby Pillow. Yes, any old pillow might work but a nursing pillow will work BEST.
  12. Water Bottle. Mom might forget to eat and do her hair but if she has a cute water bottle, hopefully, she will remember to get her H2O in. Leakproof and insulated to keep drinks hot or cold so mama can use it all day. 


Want to spoil a mom-to-be but don’t have a lot to spend? That’s okay because there are ALWAYS things to give and one of the best gifts is your time. 

  1. Snacks for Mom/Kids. Portion out several bags of mom’s favorite snacks (and their kids’ snack if they have older ones) and drop off to mom. 
  2. Time. Depending on how comfortable/close you are to the new mama. Come over and do laundry, wash dishes, put toys away, whatever you think will help.
  3. Cook a meal for them.
  4. Take the older kids so mom can rest.
  5. Offer to sit with the new baby so mama can rest.
  6. Buy dollar store toys for younger kids to keep them occupied.
  7. Create a stay-in date night for the new parents (Netflix Giftcard, Popcorn, Doordash) Can we say dinner and a movie?
  8. If you have photography skills, offer to take some newborn pictures.
  9. Wait to offer your help after a month. When everyone else has stopped coming by, offer to bring dinner or come over so mom can sleep. The first couple of months are crazy.
  10. Zoom girl’s night! New mama might not be ready to venture out but we’ve grown to know Zoom from our days in quarantine :). Gather the gals and have a girl’s night to catch up.
  11. Offer to help with appointments. Sometimes dad needs to go back to work. But that first week or so home comes with a few appointments. Check-ins for baby. Blood tests if the baby has things like jaundice or other issues. Offer to sit the other kids or tag along to help mama navigate. 
  12. Freezer Meals. YES!
  13. Easy Breakfasts. Mom is so tired that this will be the last thing on her mind and the first thing to skip. Prepped and ready for mom is a game-changer. 


Grandparents, life-long friends, office pooling together money for a gift? These are all people who might want to spend a little or A LOT on this new baby, cuz money ain’t a thang to them (jk). Here are some higher-priced items that could help mom and dad out. 

  1. Owlet. Peace of mind. A sock that goes on your baby’s foot to monitor heart rate, oxygen levels, and sleep!
  2. Crib. These are a pricier item but definitely needed.
  3. Some Baby Monitors. Different wi-fi options can cost over $100 but are super helpful for parents wanting to monitor their baby without walking in and out of the room all the time.
  4. Stroller. For all those daily walks!
  5. Carseat. Definitely needed but again a higher-priced item. 
  6. Wagon. For families with multiple babies/toddlers a wagon is awesome for outings.
  7. An Airline Gift Card To Fly Help Out. OR to fly mom out :). Seriously, the family might have people willing to help but who need a little help traveling. 
  8. Rent the Snoo For Them (Or Buy It). This smart sleeper calms fussing, is responsive, and helps sleep train naturally. But it comes with a higher price tag. 
  9. Diaper Bag. This is mom’s tool kit. Cute, functional, and useful even after baby.
  10. Airpods. Not to drown out the kids. This is so mama can listen to audiobooks and answer the phone hands-free.
  11. Baby Swing or Seat. You might be wondering does mama really need all this stuff? And the answer is, maybe, haha. You never know what will work but when desperation is high (crying baby, trying to cook dinner, and toddler is in the middle of potty training), you will be forever grateful for that extra swing.


What do you give to someone who already has everything? There’s always something and here a couple of our ideas. 

  1. Pay for someone to clean their house (before or after baby)!
  2. Storage for baby toys/clothes. This is also a cute and creative way to package a gift
  3. Breast milk storage. It might just be me but this was one thing I didn’t think to get until it was too late. 
  4. Laptop holder. Parents and kids might be spending some time in bed so a laptop holder can be a random/helpful gift.


Don’t forget about dad! His world is about to get rocked and he needs all the help he can get!

  1. Dad’s Own Diaper Bag. I don’t know if this means you’re getting him a new gym bag or what but something he won’t be ashamed to carry around the mall.
  2. Baby Carrier. Dad will be carrying some of the load as well and a dad-approved carrier will only encourage more snuggle time for dad and baby.
  3. Caffeine. Energy, Protein. Whatever will help dad stay awake during those sleepy days. 
  4. Baby bottles. Yes, this is a repeat. But having a few options of baby bottles can give mom a little nursing break (and time for her to pump to build up her freezer supply) while dad gets some bonding time.
  5. Dad snacks. Beef jerky, trail mix, sunflower seeds. Oops, I might have just listed road trip snacks. Oh well, it works!
  6. The Dad Hoodie. Looks like a normal hoodie but within the inner lining, you will find all sorts of pockets to hold bottles, phones, snacks, and more.
  7. Matching outfits. Every dad needs to match their baby. Twinners!
  8. A new comfy blanket or pillow for all the snuggles. I’m sure dad won’t mind if it’s his favorite sport’s team!
  9. Sleep Melts. If dad is going back to work, he might need some help falling asleep.


What did we miss? Tell us your best (and worst) baby shower gifts in the comments below.

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