Live Well

The Power of Passionflower (And Why We Use It In Our Zen Drops)

The Power of Passionflower (And Why We Use It In Our Zen Drops)

Have you heard of Passionflower? You might recognize it better as passion flower, maypop, apricot vine, maracuja, water lemon, corona de cristo, passion vine, purple passion flower, wild passion f...

Energizer Mommy? Here Are The Tips To Get You There

Energizer Mommy? Here Are The Tips To Get You There

🎵Work, work, work, work, work.🎵Anyone else channel their inner Rihanna when they are trying to muster up the energy to make it through the day?  Energy is literally defined as the capacity to wo...

Gut Check: Are You Taking Care Of Your Second Brain?

Gut Check: Are You Taking Care Of Your Second Brain?

Your gut is unique to you. It was first created with the help of your mother and then grew over time until it was fully populated around the age of three.  The first 1,000 days of your life are HU...

Helping Kids Deal with Stress in 5 Simple Steps

Helping Kids Deal with Stress in 5 Simple Steps

Kids today are more stressed than ever. The pressures of school, social media, friends, and jam-packed schedules don’t do them any favors.