Live Well

Answering Your Sleep Questions with Restfully Pediatric Sleep Coaching Programs

Answering Your Sleep Questions with Restfully Pediatric Sleep Coaching Programs

Hi! I’m Molly Leighton, wife, toddler mom, and certified pediatric sleep coach.  I solve sleep issues and deficiencies for children of all ages. I create customized sleep plans based on your child...

How Lack of Sleep Impacts Us (And Ideas On Getting It Back)

How Lack of Sleep Impacts Us (And Ideas On Getting It Back)

Are you getting enough sleep?  We all know that we need to sleep but making it a priority doesn’t always happen. By the end of this article, hopefully, you will think differently.  How Does Lack o...

What Exactly Happens To Your Body When You Sleep?

What Exactly Happens To Your Body When You Sleep?

Sleep does a body good.  According to Dr. Michael Twery, a sleep expert at NIH, “Sleep affects almost every tissue in our bodies. It affects growth and stress hormones, our immune system, appetite...

Sleep Sabotage: Daily Things You Do That Affect Your Sleep

Sleep Sabotage: Daily Things You Do That Affect Your Sleep

Want to know what’s scarier than Halloween? Preparing your little kids for Daylight Saving Time! Even though we technically “fall back” and “gain” an hour of sleep, our little ones have spidey sen...

How Blue Light Impacts Your Kids’ Health and Sleep

How Blue Light Impacts Your Kids’ Health and Sleep

What is blue light?  Back in the day our earliest ancestors only had access to light from the sun.  Sunlight is made up of all sorts of colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet...

Melatonin: Your Sleepy A to Zzzzz Guide

Melatonin: Your Sleepy A to Zzzzz Guide

If you’ve ever been desperate for sleep, then you’ve probably heard about melatonin. Some people swear by it while others still don’t quite understand what the big deal is! We are here to answer s...