Live Well

Probiotics 101: Answering Your Probing Questions

Probiotics 101: Answering Your Probing Questions

Interested in giving probiotics a try? We’re happy you’re here. To prevent you from having to Google 30 different questions, we decided to gather the top probiotic questions and discuss them all h...

Setting Up Your Baby for Success: The First 1,000 Days

Setting Up Your Baby for Success: The First 1,000 Days

One of the scariest days of your life will be the day that you bring your newborn home. Is the car seat installed correctly? Is my house safe? Will I be able to protect my baby? These are all comm...

Prebiotic, Probiotic, We All Biotic! (And Why We Need Them)

Prebiotic, Probiotic, We All Biotic! (And Why We Need Them)

Probiotics for kids? Yes, yes, yes. Children and stomachaches are like peanut butter and jelly, they just go together. But they don’t have to! Probiotics are beneficial to everyone.  So, what are ...

Gut Health and Kids: 8 Tummy Tips

Gut Health and Kids: 8 Tummy Tips

A healthy gut means a happy child. There is nothing worse than seeing your child having tummy issues and not being able to do anything about it. Did you know that the gut is known as the second br...

Gut Check: Are You Taking Care Of Your Second Brain?

Gut Check: Are You Taking Care Of Your Second Brain?

Your gut is unique to you. It was first created with the help of your mother and then grew over time until it was fully populated around the age of three.  The first 1,000 days of your life are HU...

7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Immune System

7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Immune System

Getting sick is THE WORST! It has the power to disrupt your life and to make you miserable in one easy swoop.  If you don’t want a stuffy nose keeping you home from work and life, then let’s talk ...